Monday, November 27, 2006

WILD TURKEY WEEK...anyone that believes that Thanksgiving is only all about the family, stuffing yourself silly, and passing out in front of football has forgotten a crucial ingredient...BOOZE.

Okay. It's about the Trivial Pursuit too. I had a rockin' time this past week. I took some friends to my parent's house and we got crazy. Then on Saturday night it all came to a pinnacle with boob-grabbing, sweaty dance lip sync, alcohol induced madness. It was beautiful. I got to see lots of great friends, and I'm so very thankful that I survived without a hangover. Of course it wasn't all madness. There was some quiet time and some knitting. Here is my proof:

I even managed to finish my arm warmers (as shown in the upper pics), and make a Zen Micro mp3 player sock case and an ipod sock case while intoxicated. Ah, how my skills are evolving.


Bea said...

Great job on the knitting chica, you have elevated your knitting to the next level, knitting while intoxicated!! May the force be with you.

Anonymous said...

Stop rippin''ll be just fine, no one will notice...if it's that bad put a ball on it...balls distract from everything!