Wednesday, November 08, 2006

YOU KNOW YOUR KNIT CLUB IS TOO CLOSE of them has seen your vagina. Okay, I'll reduce the shock factor - - she's a nurse practicioner at my school and it was pretty routine. I just thought that might be funny. I am ill, which explains why I haven't posted in a while. No, Charlie, I'm not trying to let my blog become a dead baby blog. I have some massive stomach problems and high fevers and I might have to have an abdominal ultrasound. I hope not, because that would be pricey. I think I'm on the mend, but I've been down and out since Monday.


Bea said...

:( I'm sorry you're feeling sick. I hope it's nothing serious. Maybe you will be feeling up for knit night on Monday! Yarn is always good for the soul.

C. said...

I know, I just heard. Hope you feel better, cassanopolis.