Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Lady February Doth Grow

Lady February doth grow, originally uploaded by casystotyle.

Yep. Too lazy to clean the mirror. This is closer to the actual color. It's not as yellow as it looks in the first picture. It's going pretty well at the smaller gauge. I think it will block the way I want it. I bought a blocking board from WEBS and I can't wait to use it.

I am being fairly monogamous with this project. I started those socks last week but haven't knitted a stitch on them since the picture below. I thought the socks would be good for the portability factor, but I've been knitting solely at home watching trashy ol' episodes of America's Next Top Model online. I love the drama and the bitchiness. Drew and I have been watching Sopranos off and on a bit too. I get why everyone loves it now. I hated the very first episode, but it definitely grew on me after that one.

In other news...I've been buying all kinds of cute clothes for my counseling internship, including two very professional lady j.crew suits. I love love love them. I had to shorten the pants about an inch and a half. I'm hopeless with sewing, so I sent them away to someone who knows better. Today I'm extremely excited because I found out next week I get to start doing intake sessions with REAL clients. I've been observing others' sessions for the past couple of weeks and all last semester. Now I will be unleashed. I'm not as nervous as I was a few weeks ago when thinking about it. Everybody's got to start somewhere... I'll let you know how it goes.


Brenda said...

You are making great progress, and the fit looks good.

Anonymous said...

Hey Cassy,

I don't know if you remember me, we we on panhel together in under-grad & I found your blog when I decided to teach myself to knit this summer. I think you'll be a great counselor and I should know because I am one.

Love, Madeline

Cassy said...

Madeline! Of course I remember you! Tell me how to contact you if you read this.