Lady February, How I Love Thee
Here is my February Lady. I just want to call her Lady February because it sounds so regal. I thought about a semi-solid yarn, but then found this Berroco Ultra Alpaca, liked the feel and the price and off I go. It's been breezy so far, with one minor irk about evenly placing the eyelet increases around the body. I don't like it when things don't divide evenly and I'm easily frustrated. I eventually started reading the Ravelry February Lady KAL discussion about this pattern and someone provided a link to this wonderful site that does the math exactly for you. I'm doing this on a size six needle instead of the eight. I'm a fairly loose knitter, and I also wanted this to be a bit smaller than the 35" bustline. We'll see if it bites me in the ass or not.
Unfortunately, I'm not capable of knitting monogamy right now. I started a pair of socks with Shibui solid and variegated yarns. I'm just going to alternate them every five or six rows or so. I hope they turn out like i want. I'm going to roll with the plain stockinette because I want something mindless for work breaks and reading.
I broke down today and bought some Hunter Wellington boots. I've been oogling them forever and just decided to go for it. I got them in chocolate brown. I think that or navy would be most versatile with my closet, but brown appeals to me more. I ordered them from Zappos this morning and within an hour and a half they had shipped, and upgraded my shipping for free. I'm so excited!
I love all the yellow you're working with in this post! Thanks for the comments on my blog- the yarn stores in Portland are great. Check out the Ravelry groups for Portland, there's a lot of information in there. There's at least one yarn shop in each quadrant of the city (NE, SE, SW, NW, N), so wherever you live, you'll have easy access to yarn!
I love the yellow--so cheerful! I'll have to make one of those February Lady Sweaters one of these days!
- MJ
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